Posts by COTOD

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Online Giving Has Launched!


“Praise the Lord! Give thanks to the Lord, because He is good…” Psalm 106:1 Good stewardship over our financial resources involves the way we earn, spend, save, invest and give. You are entrusted by God with stewardship over your finances, resources and time, and it is your responsibility as a believer to be a good […]

Miami Youth Garden


THE MIAMI YOUTH PROJECT, SEED TO HARVEST™ FOR YOUTH AGES 13-18 “Balanced leadership requires strength in all four power force areas: Spiritual, Emotional, Mental, and Physical.” The Miami Youth Development Project (MYP) is based on the principles of Seed To Harvest™ (STH™), created by Amistad Harvest Corporation in Upper Marlboro, Maryland. MYP is an asset-based, […]